37Signals Launches Second Twilio-Powered Feature: Conference Calling for Campfire

March 29, 2010
Written by
Danielle Morrill
Opinions expressed by Twilio contributors are their own

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This morning, 37Signals announced the launch of yet another Twilio-powered feature: conference calling for Campfire, their real-time chat, file and code sharing product. As the 37Signals team says on their product blog:

Campfire is a chat tool, why does it need conference calling? At 37signals we run our entire business on
Campfire. It’s our virtual office. We chat, make decisions, have
debates, share designs, do code reviews, discuss the news, etc.

Here at Twilio we’ve recently started using Campfire.  The main benefit, as opposed to a private IRC channel or instant messenger service, is that the conversation is stored and is searchable afterwards.  Important decisions, domain knowledge, and other valuable information is stored instead of lost in our chat transcripts and email inboxes, and can be accessed later.

How Campfire Conference Calling Works

Campfire users with Plus, Premium, or Max accounts will now see the option to create a conference call in the sidebar.

When the “start a new call” link is selected, a phone number and pin code are dropped into the the chat room.

Anyone who has this phone number and pin code, whether they are in the chat room or not, can call in and the conference call is recorded.  The calls ends when the last person hangs up, and a link to the recorded conversation is posted to the chat.

To find out the details for different account levels, please visit the 37Signals product blog…

Earlier This Month: SMS Events to Your Group Calendar in Backpack

A few weeks ago, 37Signals announced their first Twilio-powered feature: the ability to send an SMS to your Backpack account to update your group calendar.  You can read more about our take on this new feature here as well as on the 37Signals product blog.

As the 37Signals team is quick to point out on their blog, as well as their new book Rework, the focus should be on benefits and not features.   However, we’re very proud to power features which we believe increase the benefit of Campfire and Backpack to the millions of businesses who benefit from these simple, powerful, and user friendly tools.

Keep on rocking Jason, DHH, and team!